How does EPI affect digestion?
To help digestion with EPI, eating more frequently (incorporating 2-3 snacks along with 3 main meals daily) is recommended.* If you’ve been prescribed a PERT (pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy), it should be taken with all meals and snacks as part of your diet for EPI.
Staying hydrated with at least 8 glasses of fluid every day is also important to help prevent dehydration, which can impact people with EPI.
*The diet recommendations provided on are not intended for people with EPI due to cystic fibrosis, who may have very different and specific nutritional needs.
What else is important for my EPI diet and lifestyle?
Your doctor can provide specific recommendations for managing EPI symptoms, but only if you’re open and honest about your experience. Get appointment tips now to learn how to help ensure the conversation is as productive as possible.

Where do you find support?

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Reference sources:
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